Monday, September 10, 2007

Mamluke Socks

Welcome to my first blog! After a year or so of knitting inspired by the internet, I've decided to be an active participant too! These Mamluke socks from Folk Socks by Nancy Bush are my most recent finished object. I loved this pattern and it was my first foray into color work. I used Wendy 5-ply Guernsey as the pattern called for and although it was slightly stiff and coarse when I cast on it did soften as I knit and washed up beautifully.


Unknown said...

oh, my beautiful socks. Such work! Well done and thanks for showing.

triconette said...

sigh... these are very very beautiful and you have a nice blog!

Jae said...

Those socks are beautiful. They look like sooo much work. I am sure you will enjoy wearing them!

fab said...

Very nice-thanks for sharing your work with the world!