Back a few posts ago, I posted a
picture of an almost finished Coriolis Sock. Well, I did complete that sock and after knitting the heel I thought something looked weird with the
coriolis as it was interrupted by the heel and then started up again above the heel. But I just went ahead an finished the sock. It fit great and I loved the way the yarn knit up.

rewatched Cat
Bordi on
Knitty Gritty demonstrating the Coriolis and I figured out that I had moved some stitches the wrong direction before knitting the heel which is why it looked funny. See how the
coriolis is skewed here.

I couldn't just live with it so I
frogged back to the foot and
reknit it the right way. I feel much better now. I've got half a pair of finished Coriolis and have started the toe of the next. These have knit up so fast, only a few evenings of knitting. This is what it should look like.

Yesterday I went out looking for some sort of lighting to help me with my nighttime knitting in my dimly lit living room. Michael's had those expensive
Ott lights with expensive replacement bulbs. Too much for my budget, and they really weren't very attractive. I then found this cute little lightweight book light with a LED light. It runs on 3 AAA batteries. It is just perfect for my needs. I can clip it on a book on my lap and point the flexible arm at my knitting or I can clip it to my shirt and aim the light. It was less than $10.00 and I used my mailer's 40% off coupon, so even more of a bargain.

I was feeling a little Martha Stewart the other day and made myself some new goodies for my knitting. I made these little herb sachets to put in with my yarn stash to keep the bugs away and to make the yarns smell pretty too. I put some lavender and some rosemary and thyme from my yard in the sachets. I got the idea for these from the latest
Knit Picks catalog which had an article about yarn pest control. You can find the same
article on Woolen Care over at their website.

I also picked up some beads and findings to make my own stitch markers. They were very simple to put together and I am really enjoying them.

Very cute. I had not seen that pattern knit up before.
Beautiful socks!
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